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March 14, 2015
Star Features


From gangster to evangelist


NAME: Billy Mirander

CHURCH: Berea Seventh-day Adventist Church, Old Harbour District of Churches, St Catherine.

POSITION: Evangelist.

HOW LONG SINCE SAVED: I have been saved for four years and five months.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR MOMENT OF CONVICTION: It came in signs. God allowed toothache pain to get my attention. God allowed signs when I was attacked by persons who had knives. Amid them stabbing at me, none of them could have taken my life. God intervened and used those stuff to get my attention. The Lord also used music to inspire my life. It was from that day I started to pray. I said I wanted to see if the God who many speak about really exists. I picked up the Bible and started to study. I became so much inspired and started praying more. When I went to school, I started to show the young men how they could use the word of God to govern their gangster life. When I was feeling pain, I used all the medication you can think of and the pain still existed. When I cried out to God the pain left me.

MOST CHALLENGING MOMENT SINCE BEING SAVED: Jealousy and negative criticisms at times make my life challenging, especially for a young person like myself who has been moving very far in God. What keeps me going is the peace of God. I have a strong prayer life, I study the word of God often and have a lot of prayer-ministry members praying for me. However, the devil is angry because I have chosen this path.

MOST MIRACULOUS MOMENT SINCE BEING SAVED: All my gangster enemies who wanted to kill me came under subjection to say they could not believe I really changed. They also wanted to experience God's change in their life. The Bible says 'when a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He will make even his enemies be at peace with him'. Almost my entire family has accepted the Adventist Church message. They got saved and baptised after I accepted Jesus

MESSAGE TO CHRISTIANS: Jesus says, in St John 16, verse 33, 'In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world'. Paul says, 'Beloved think it not strange for the fire and trials that will try you; though some strange things will happen among you'.

We are going to experience some great challenges in life but, Christians, be mindful that we serve a God who is able to change.

We serve a God who is able to turn around life and to make our troubled water be peace. Do not be discouraged because all the hurdles we will cross. We must go through the fiery darts.

Let us not be fearful because Christ has already won the battle on Calvary's cross. He is just a prayer away.

MESSAGE TO NON-CHRISTIANS: There is still hope. The Bible says, 'that God so love the world that He gave His only Begotten Son; and whosoever believe in Him shall have everlasting life'.This covers the entire world.

I am saying to the world that God has a special love for us. He loves us so much that He allowed Jesus Christ to sacrifice His life as atonement for sin.

So no matter how deep you are in sin, or how wretched you are, and cast away, and no one wants to look at you, like you are the worst thing, God loves you and He wants to change you.

Those who are not Christians, and probably have a good job, I want to encourage you to get on board, because, at the end of the day, a life outside of Christ, you can't find peace. You could have money to swipe out of a machine every minute you want, that does not guarantee happiness and peace. This can come only from God. The only reward that pays is the one that grants eternal life.

FAVOURITE BIBLE SCRIPTURES: Jeremiah 29: 11 to 13.

YOUR FAVOURITE SONG: That's what the altar is for by Ray Boltz.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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