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February 13, 2015
Star Commentary



Is it just me or is it that some of our young men today have reverted to a kind of caveman mentality when it comes to picking up women?

An eternity ago when I was a teenager, the play was to come up with some witty line with which to get a girl's attention. Once the objective was achieved, the next play would be to dazzle her with 'lyrics'. I would often hear some of my friends practise their lines like they were swatting for exams. Often though, it would be embarrassing to be out in Mandeville on a Saturday and see them trying to execute what they had been practising all week, only for all that hard work to go to waste.

From way back then, I came to the conclusion that girls never responded to the line but to the boy they came from. Over time, I developed a theory that a girl/woman will go with a man only because she wants to and not because of anything that the man says or does.

Nonetheless, it was always fun to watch the play by play and the inevitable crash and burn.

wounded pride

It was not always fun the way some guys reacted to being rejected. I have never understood why there was a need to be abusive to a girl who rejects your advances. Yes, there is a small matter of wounded pride, but you suck it up and move on because as they say, "there are always more fish in the sea."

These days, however, the pick-up game has become a lot more primitive. The way I hear some young men address some women makes me want to puke.

"Hey gyal, me would suck you breast, unuh." Is that really how they intended to get her attention and hold it? Might as well hit her over the head with a club and drag her to the nearest cave.

And the comments are even more graphic. I just used that one because I assume they would probably print it, but there are others that I would not even dare mention. But yet, if the object of attention doesn't respond in a positive manner, she is greeted by levels of profanity that would make Eddie Murphy cringe.

appreciated women

The most disturbing part of it is that there are women who find that kind of approach appealing. I guess it might explain to some degree the way they dress these days with very little being left to the imagination. Back in the day, men I think appreciated women who came with a bit of mystery. She didn't have all her wares on display on a daily basis. That allowed them to take your breath away whenever they would dress up for a party or some other festive occasion.

The primitive behaviour might also explain the kind of environment where these men and women are from. In simple terms, it's what they have become used to. Some of these young women embrace these 'pornographic' approaches and opportunities to enter into what can only be described as bartering arrangements.

These arrangements basically boil down to 'you buy me something and I will give you what you want, or I will have you believe that you will get what you want'.

I don't know if that is how they were socialised or what, but it certainly is alien to me, and disappointing. I would have thought that in this day and age when man is supposed to be even more advanced than he was three decades ago, mental jousting between males and females would be more the order of the day. What seems to have occurred is akin to what used to occur more than 100,000 years ago.

Send comments to levyl1@hotmail.com

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