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December 7, 2013
Star Features


Deacon David Knight's journey with THE LORD

Deacon David Knight - George Henry


Jesus says, in the book of Mark chapter 10, verse 14, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Well, it was that instruction which the parents of Deacon David Knight of the Cobbla New Testament Church of God in Manchester followed, when they had him and his siblings attend church, especially Sunday school, from an early age.

The deacon, who has been a part of that congregation for more than 20 years, has been a born-again Christian for 18 years.

"My walk with Christ started from I was very young. I grew up in the church, following my mother to church.

"However, it all started one Tuesday night when I followed her to a ladies ministry meeting at Cobbla New Testament Church," shared Knight.

Following the meeting, an altar call was extended for persons who were not yet saved. He was one of them. Knight noted he was sitting outside, at the back of the church. He was called inside.

"The pastor introduced Christ to me. It was from there that I started walking with the Lord and has not looked back since," testified Knight.

He admitted there have been ups and downs on the Christian journey, but confessed there have been more good times than bad on the pathway.

In dealing with the downs, Knight said he does a lot of reflection, remembering that the church is an institution which teaches its congregation how to live.

"I always remember the word of God when the down times come. I have to live by the word of God," said the church deacon.

He said the life of a Christian is very challenging. Despite the challenges being not easy to handle, especially at times when he is at his weakest end, he has to engage in a lot of praying and fasting.

"Fasting goes with prayer and I use that combination in dealing with the challenges as they come. It is a combination that works for me and works for many persons. So I use both," said Knight.

He is thankful to his parents, who ensured he started attending church from an early age. He believes children should be introduced to the Lord from a tender age.

God's way

"It is a very good thing for children to be introduced to the way of the Lord from an early age. When one gets old and not saved, it is hard for you to follow the Lord.

But when you grow up and listen, you have the fear of God in you. If parents can do that for their children, it is one of the best things that they can do for their children," said Knight.

He said attending Sunday school is also an important part of children's development. Knight noted that many of the things he learnt in Sunday school, especially Bible gems, he still applies them to his life as an adult.

The deacon said children learn how to say the 'Our father' prayer from Sunday- school age and that is still relevant today, as one of the first prayers children learn.

He wants all who attend church not to forget to attend Sunday school because that is the nursery of the church.

The deacon's favourite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13. His favourite song is Friendship with Jesus.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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