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November 11, 2013
Star Tell Me Pastor


Landlady forbids sex in her home

Dear Pastor,

I am writing you because I have a problem. I am 26 years old, and I rented a room from a Christian woman. She is nice, but she is very strict. I have a girlfriend and she visits me regularly, and I introduced her to my landlady. She told me that she didn't expect any other woman to visit me except the one I introduced to her; I agreed. She also said she didn't want anybody to sleep over at her place because as a Christian, she couldn't tolerate that. I agreed to that also because places are hard to get and my rent is reasonable.

The thing is, my girlfriend would come after my landlady had gone to bed and I would take her home early in the morning, but a few times, that did not work. There are other tenants in the house, and my room is very close to one of the tenant's bedrooms.

One night, my girlfriend and I were having sex and she started to carry on and make loud noises. I tried to tell her that she couldn't behave that way, but it didn't help. When we were finished having sex, I asked her why she had to behave that way, and she said because it was nice and she couldn't help it.

Another night, the same thing happened, and the tenants next door told us that we were disturbing them. I cursed them off and told them to mind their own business. I didn't know that they had recorded what was going on and played it to everybody, including the landlady.

I tried to tell her that that was not my girlfriend, but she gave me notice to leave. Do you think I can sue the tenants for what they did? They have embarrassed my girlfriend. I told the landlady that she wouldn't come back, so she withdrew the notice.

My girlfriend is sharing a room with another girl, so I can't sleep there with her.


Dear C.S,

It seems to me that what you and your girlfriend need to do is to try to get a place where both of you can live together as husband and wife. Just get married in a very simple ceremony and move to your own little place. The apartment doesn't have to be fancy. Even if it is a one-bedroom with its own conveniences, it should suffice.

Of course, I know two rooms would be more appropriate for a man and his woman. Then you won't have to worry about how much noise your wife would make during lovemaking. Turn up the television or radio when you are playing, then both of you can carry on.

I am glad your landlady withdrew the notice. This will give you time to look around for another place. The landlady probably wouldn't mind you staying there if both of you got married.


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