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November 11, 2013
Star News



The Central Village Police are hunting for a masked gunman who has been targetting women who stand at the bus stops along Mandela Highway in the early mornings.

The police are reporting that women have become targets for the gunman over the past four months particularly at the bus stop at the Caymanas crossing.

A detective close to the investigations told the news team that the gunman seems to avoid men altogether. However, the number of complaints from females continue to increase.

There have been at least five robberies in the past four months in which the masked man has been fingered, with cellphones appearing to be his item of choice.

Deputy Superintendent Percival Buddan revealed that the man hides in bushes and lays in wait for the opportunity to rob his victims.

"We want to advise women when they are traversing that route, particularly in the morning and early evening into early parts of the night, they have to be extremely careful," the top cop revealed. He also provided some recommendations to deter the threat.

exercising caution

"We advise that they travel in numbers, and a male in the company would be good, or they should seek some other measures of exercising caution or taking care of themselves. Seek the assistance of the police where practical and necessary," he said.

" The police are aware of it and we are taking the necessary steps towards curtailing those robberies. High visibility patrols have been put in place and also we have covert operations going on," the DSP revealed.

The top cop also took the opportunity to discourage persons from using their gadgets when at these bus stops as the electronics will attract robbers and abductors.

The cops say they have a description of the suspect and will be using their intelligence accordingly.

DSP Buddan encouraged women to make contact with the Central Village police station whenever necessary as the police will help.

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