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June 25, 2013
Star News


Court to decide if ... DOG USED TO HELP IN SEX ACT

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer

A Portmore bus driver who allegedly used a Pit bull to intimidate two schoolgirls before sexually molesting them was granted bail in the sum of $150,000 last Thursday.

When the matter came up in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court, the accused pleaded not guilty.

His lawyer told the court that his client was charged without a question and answer or identification parade.


The attorney said the 37-year-old is not a flight-risk and would prove his innocence. Bail was subsequently granted on condition that he lives outside of the Portmore area.

Allegations are that two female students of a Portmore high school went to school late. They decided to return to their homes and went into a bus driven by the accused. He reportedly drove them to a house in Greater Portmore area where the girls, aged 13 and 14, were lured inside the yard. While there, it is alleged that a Pit bull appeared and started to roar at the children.

The accused reportedly held on to the dog's chain and threatened to release it if the girls didn't enter the house.

Fearfully, they entered the house where he reportedly fondled them. The police allegedly got wind of the situation and went to the house and knocked. The accused reportedly placed the complainants under the bed and pretended to be asleep.

Police personnel eventually gained entry and pulled the accused from under the covers. The girls were retrieved from under the bed. The man was subsequently charged with two counts of sexual touching.

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