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June 1, 2013
Star Features


Happy walking with God

ishop Terrence Gordon


There are millions of persons across the world walking with the Lord in excess of 50 years, and who have had no regrets doing so.

Bishop Terrence Neil Gordon is one such proud individual who has been blessed to have achieved such a milestone.

The Bishop for the Door of Faith Church of God in Jamaica and the United States, leads the flock at Retirement, Montego Bay, St James.

Gordon has been a bishop for 10 years and pastor for more than 40.

"I have been a Christian for over 50 years. It is the best thing to be a child of God. It is the only way that man has a hope not only in this life but in eternity. It is the only hope and there is nothing comparable to have your life, my life and the world in the hands of the Almighty God who is our Creator," testified Bishop Gordon.

The bishop pointed out that his walk with the Lord takes a lot. According to him, walking with Jesus calls for a lot of sacrifice and self-denial from those who desire to be Christians living for the Creator.

"There are going to be innumerable amount of temptations, there are going to be persecutions immeasurable, there are going to be attractions from every stratum, but there are two things which, if a man can live above them, he will be successful. One is money, and the other is women. If you can live above women and money you can live for God," noted the veteran church leader.

The pastor pointed out that it was both easy and difficult to handle temptations as a Christian. He said it is easy if persons know the word of God. He explained that when Christians are acquainted with the word of God their entire being functions optimally.

"It is like having a good car, but if you put no petrol in it, it will never function. But if you have a piece of old salad (old car) and you put gas in it, it will function. Now, the same thing is true of Christians. Many Christians fail today because they are ignorant to the truth of God's word. If you know the word of God, and the truth of God's word gets inside of you, it actually literally functions your entire being," explained Gordon.

words of God

He pointed out that when the Christian knows the word of God he does not do as he pleases, but what the word instructs him to do and he lives by that. He wants Christians to live just as the Psalmist David says, 'Thy word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against Thee'.

Bishop Gordon confessed that the night when he gave his life to the Lord, September 2, 1963, he went to church not for the purpose of becoming a Christian.

"I went to church to look another girl, and at the time I had seven already. When I went to church that night, a whole bunch of us went, and all my friends got up and went to the altar when the call was made. I did not go. When they were dismissing the service, I walked outside hoping to mock them when they come out, and say that they were stupid," remembered Bishop Gordon.

He recalled that while standing outside the pastor for the church saw him and invited him inside. Gordon said he went back alone and the pastor and an evangelist, and their wives, prayed over him at the altar, and that was the start of his Christian journey.

Bishop Gordon added that for Christians to make it into Heaven, they will have to go through hell or high water. He stressed that the tough times are going to rock them. There will be times when persons won't know what is happening and even their own families will be against them.

"They will sometimes drive you nuts, but you have to know your purpose and calling. I recognise that when I got saved that there was a calling on my life," said Bishop Gordon.



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