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April 24, 2013
Star Tell Me Pastor


He says I am excess baggage

Dear Pastor,

I am a 22-year-old female from Spain who has been through several heartbreaks and I want to give some advice to other young ladies like myself. I was engaged to my high-school friend who is a soldier in the Jamaica Defence Force.

The engagement broke up four months prior to the wedding because he went out and got a next girl pregnant. He told me that even when I say "I do," he is going to carry any girl he desires into our home, whether I like it or not.

I was torn up inside and I vowed that I would never enter into a next relationship again. I began to put all my energy into school and I became more focused on my education. I finished my chef diploma at the top of my class.

During the breaking up of the relationship, I did three days of fasting and prayer for God's divine will upon my life. During that time, I met a young man through a friend and he seemed to have all the qualities of a man that I wanted. He was God-fearing, ambitious, intelligent, etc.

While getting to know this young man, I was invited to go to his home to be introduced to his parents. I met with them, and to my surprise, his father was my mother's best friend as young adults. Astonished as I was, I felt even more comfortable and at ease. I could finally breathe. We were growing to love each other every day up until the 7th of this month.

We went out the night before and we were quite fine and extremely happy. On the Sunday evening after church, I called him enquiring about his day and if everything was ok otherwise. He started to yell at me and said I was excess baggage and that I was not as successful as he is. We are both university students, but he attends UWI and I attend VTDI.

The main reason why he broke up with me is because he claims that I destroyed his relationship with a next young man he calls his best friend. I am happy that God took him out of my life. I was broken, but I am now a victor. God always knows best. To all females, be encouraged and strong.


Dear A.L.,

You have the right spirit. You are not going to allow the disappointments that you have with men to get you down. The Good Lord has enabled you to find out the character of these men. I am sure that it must have been painful to be dumped by a man just a few weeks before your wedding. And this last young man has blamed you for something you haven't done. Keep on trusting the Lord. You will find a good man in God's own time.


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