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May 18, 2012
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Food For The Poor stages free health fair in Hanover

Baldwin Powell (right), convenor for the Food For The Poor (FFP)-Jamaica Western Committee, makes a presentation of footballs and school supplies to principal Cordell Dodd (left) and students of Cave Valley All-Age School during the health fair. Hyacinth Lindo (second right), administrator for FFP's Western Committee, looks on. - Contributed

Following closely on the heels of a health fair that offered free medical services to over 2,000 individuals in Kingston, Food For The Poor (FFP)-Jamaica has once again demonstrated its commitment to health care by staging a similar exercise at the March Town Health Centre in Cave Valley, Hanover. More than 500 residents benefited.

Now in its fifth year, the FFP health fair offered free access to a range of medical services, including dental and medical examinations, foot care for the elderly, blood-pressure and blood-sugar checks, reflexology treatment and nutritional counselling.


The Cave Valley event was organised recently by Food For The Poor's Western Committee. This group was established in 2003 to adequately determine the needs of the poor in the western region. Based on investigations, it was discovered that many residents in rural communities had little or no access to proper primary health-care services. As a result, since 2008, the committee has been organising health fairs to help deal with this challenge.

"FFP's aim is to provide medical interventions in remote and needy communities such as Cave Valley, where residents do not have easy access to health-care services. This forms part of our overall mission to enhance public health and improve patient care in Jamaica," said Hyacinth Lindo, administrator for the Western Committee.

Lindo added that many residents travel long distances to the nearest clinic, which can be quite expensive. "Our annual health fair gives these residents access to quality medical services at little or no cost to them," she pointed out.

Other organisations that volunteered their time and services at the event included the St James Health Services (Nutrition Department), Registrar General's Department (RGD), National Health Fund, Children of Faith, and police officers from the Hanover Community Safety and Security Division. A help desk also was set up to provide information on how residents could access the general services offered by Food For The Poor.

Marlene Taite, a 39-year-old single mother of three, said that the health fair was a timely blessing. "As an unemployed mother of three, a health fair of this nature is of great help because, while it's important to visit the doctor often, many times I cannot afford it," she explained. "Today, my children and I were able to do a series of medical examinations free of cost. I just want to say thanks to Food For The Poor. This is a good thing that is happening to the community of Cave Valley."

volunteer medical personnel

The team of volunteer medical personnel included three doctors, a paediatrician, a dentist, five nurses, three foot-care specialists and two reflexologists.

Each participant at the health fair also received a complimentary gift package containing basic food items and toiletries, courtesy of Food For The Poor.

FFP's Western Committee comprises 16 members and operates out of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Montego Bay. Its primary functions include assessing housing and other requests received by Food For The Poor from residents in the western region, monitoring projects, making recommendations for assistance, and distributing specific items such as food and clothing.

Food For The Poor (FFP)-Jamaica organises two health fairs per year. The western-region event follows the health fair that is held annually in Kingston at Our Lady of the Poor Clinic, a facility operated by Food For The Poor and housed at the St Joseph's Hospital in Vineyard Town.

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