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December 30, 2011
Star Features


Desperate for a better Jamaica

with Leighton Levy

By now it would have already sunk in which party would be leading Jamaica for the next few years. Some of us will be jumping for joy while for some there will be wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth. For me, I just hope that whoever is in power can give us a shot at something better.

For the past few weeks both sides have been blowing a lot of smoke, useless information on which most of us depended when deciding to cast votes. The die-hards aside, many undecided voters would have been wringing their hands and pulling their hair trying to decide which party would be the lesser of two evils.

Now that we know, all I ask are the following:-

That the Government puts together a plan to diversify Jamaica's economy to allow for more Jamaicans to earn their way out of poverty.

That the Government puts in place legislation to hold politicians accountable for their corrupt ways.

That we do our very best to attract direct investment that will create jobs.

That we develop our creative industries to allow the country to benefit financially from our amazing talents.

That we find the political will to tear down the garrisons and relocate people, if necessary, to other parts of the island where they can pull their weight and not depend on political or criminal handouts.

That we find the will to break the backs of gangs and control criminality so that tourists can come from behind the walls of the all-inclusive hotels and really see the hidden beauty of this country.

That we take the necessary actions, social and otherwise, to take Jamaica back from the edge of moral depravity where we currently find ourselves.

There are many other things that we need to get done, but for the time being, these are the ones that come to mind.

For the past 50 years, we have played the fool with what the Lord has bestowed upon us as a nation and we stand to lose it all if we don't pull up our socks. By pulling up our socks, I mean putting the best people where they can do the best job. Take for example people like Kamina Johnson Smith of the JLP and Julian Robinson of the PNP, why are they not at the forefront of the process instead of working behind the scenes?

Johnson-Smith and Robinson, who are both levels above some of the persons in the forefront from their respective parties, had the most worthwhile discussion on TVJ's Impact just over a week ago. That was the kind of discourse that I wanted to hear throughout the campaign period, but alas, no one else was up to the task.

Come next August, we will 'celebrate' 50 years as an independent nation. Growing up as a nation has been hard as we have made more wrong decisions than correct ones and it has cost us. We have continued to steal from ourselves in ways that have only harmed Jamaica while helping a few of the greedy to become rich. Is this the way we want to go into our 50th year of independence?

In the life of a nation, 50 years is not much time, but still it is a long enough period of time for us to start growing up. In this Internet age everything happens a lot faster now, so how much longer must we continue to act like children in need of guidance? As far as I am concerned, it's about time that we start acting our age.

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