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October 14, 2011
Star News


PANTY-SNIFFING LOVER UPSETS WOMAN - Seeks restraining order for jealous man

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer

A St Catherine woman yesterday desperately attempted to take out a restraining order against her lover of three years who she said had become so possessive he began sniffing her panties

The woman, who yesterday visited the Spanish Town Court office to get the document to keep the man who is a security guard at a safe distance, told THE WEEKEND STAR she became fed up with his antics.

She said that his panty smelling habits had driven her out of the relationship and she was now seeking to bar him from her.

"This man was very jealous and strange with it that I had to move out quickly or else him would surely drive me crazy," the distraught woman said.

In relating what she described as strange behaviour, the woman further said: "He would take off my panties when I got home in the evenings and sniffed them. He would quarrel and accused me of been unfaithful as they didn't smell like when I left home."

She told THE WEEKEND STAR that she does not know if the man's jealous behaviour was the result of being hurt in previous relationships.

One thing she did know though was that he was possessive beyond a normal level.

She said that at times even when she went to church with him and greeted a member, he got angry.

Even after being separated, the woman claims that she still suffered from the man's jealous actions.

Now that she wants to be as far as possible from him, she even wants to separate their assets.

"There are properties that we need to share and he is just not doing his part," the female said.

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