Home - The Star
February 10, 2011
Star Tell Me Pastor



Dear Pastor,

I am at a home and I am being treated like a garbage bin. The worst part is that the owner of the house is going blind. He is at the worst stage of his life. He lost one of his eyes and the other is going. He does not treat me badly, but from day one, his children have not shown me the respect I deserve.

When I came here, the house was like a pig sty. I cleaned it up from top to bottom. I made it liveable and bought all I could to make the house look good, because it is located at the side of the road.

When his daughter comes from America, she does not carry anything, but, whatever I buy, she takes and gives to her family. They destroyed a lot of things and I endured it because I did not come to them, but their father. But now, I have put down my foot and all hell has broken loose. They used me like a maid. I have to walk behind them and pick up after they eat. When they are eating, it is their leftovers that I am given. They don't dish out my food and give me. When they buy food or ice cream, they all get in plates and what she has in her plate eating, she would say that I should bring a container for some. I do not take it. Anything she brings from abroad, she takes out the worst and gives me. I always give them back to her and go to the market and buy what I need.

They curse me every day

I only get $2,000 for two weeks and sometimes four weeks. What can this do? I have to beg and borrow until I get the pittance.

Even if I am sick, I have to find my own money and go to the doctor. God bless Prime Minister Bruce Golding for free medication. If it wasn't for that, I would have died a long time ago; and I am still here.

They curse me every day and tell me that they don't like strangers. Everybody lives with each other, but, over my dead body, I am not going to let that happen to me. It is a practice they have and I was not brought up like that. I am not a family ewe or ram.

I am now 71 years old and the man who is half-blind is 80 years old. Can I leave him in this stage of his life? I have a lot more to say but I will send it page by page. Keep up the good work that you are doing.

C.P., St. Elizabeth

Dear C.P.,

You are 71 years old. Not every experience at the house will be pleasant. There are things that will happen that will not be to your liking, but God will give you the grace to deal with everything.

Take care of the man who is vision impaired. Make sure that you keep on trusting in God and try to cooperate with those with whom you live. Spend much time in Bible reading and prayer.


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