November 6, 2010
Star Features


'Excited and zealous about the Lord'

Evangelist Michael Richards - George Henry

Evangelist Michael Richards hails from Mandeville in Manchester. He has had stints as pastor for the Scotts Pass, Mulgrave, Leicesterfield and Merrywood New Testament churches over the years. His role as a minister in the New Testament Church has changed over recent time, as he currently serves that denomination as an evangelist.

"I am very excited and zealous about the work I currently do for the Lord. This is a calling into this kind of service. The Lord has called me to do it and I do it with pleasure," said Richards.

Richards testified that the Lord has been working miracles in his life. He recalled being ill some years ago and that his illness baffled doctors to the extent that he almost got crippled.

"My back was like someone who had scoliosis. It was actually twisted like an 'S'. One leg was drawn up and I had to hit the wheelchair, was on the hospital bed and could not walk; and so with much prayer, and with the help of the doctor, I was able to walk again; and I pledged with the Lord that I will continue to preach His gospel," said Richards.

the hands of God

He said he has been in various other situations in which he has proven the hands of God. Richards said has been grateful for what God has done for him.

"The most recent situation was one in which I developed a discomfort in one side of my jaw; and for two years doctors had difficulties trying to get it better. I felt that the Devil wanted to silence me; but God would have it that I must continue to preach the gospel, and so eventually, I became better and continued preaching," said the evangelist.

He noted that during that illness he received stitches from an operation, but was still able to preach without persons being aware that he had stitches; all because of his zealousness for the work of the Lord, and he does not want anything to stop him from doing what God has called him to do, neither does he has any plans to substitute God's work with anything.

Richards, who grew up in the church, said in 1984 at 20 he felt an irresistible pull which forced him to surrender his life to the Lord. He noted that since that day he has not looked back because he has had no regrets serving his Maker.

The preacher said he is excited when he sees lives being touched by God and are being transformed, especially the lives of persons who were without Christ and who were going on the rough side of life.

"When you see them find stability and you watch them grow, it really gives me excitement; and there is a deep inner spiritual feeling of bliss that I feel which I can't even find words to explain. It is satisfaction to the soul to see that God is performing the miracles and the mysteries," said the evangelist.


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