October 15, 2010
Star Sport



Goodbye India and well done

Indian athletes wave to the crowd during the closing ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India, yesterday.

As I sit here, inside the Indira Ghandi International Airport's spanking new Terminal 3 building, waiting to board my long flight home, I have been reflecting on what has been a really fulfilling experience for me.

It took them a while, but in the end, as far as I'm concerned India did deliver an enjoyable Games. There are a lot of lessons to be learnt from the developments of the 2010 Commonwealth Games; from the laughing stock of the world, to what it will be remembered as, the meet that brought an entire nation together.

My last night in Delhi was one of my best. A few extra hours on my hand afforded me the opportunity to visit one of the city's most popular stretches of asphalt, Janpath Road.

It took me 10 minutes to get there from my hotel. I walked, even though it was tempting to jump inside a rickshaw and be on my way, that night, I wanted to feel like a local. I walked among them, stopped at a bus stop and started a conversation with a young lady who seemed interesting.

"Namaste,' she smiled, quite possibly at my awkward attempt at an Indian accent. "Good evening to you my English is better than your Hindi thankfully," she responded. "Are you an athlete?" I have heard that question so many times since i've been here. Really makes me wonder why all the fuss from those who think I need to get back to the gym.

"I look like one, don't I?" I'm still not sure what the expression that followed really meant.

Anyway, there are six hours to go before my flight, I'm here early because we were advised to get here before time, this due to heightened security detail; It kind of feels like a war zone, to be honest.

Helicopters hovering above, military escort to the airport, armed personnel on board the shuttle, check-points and security personnel at every turn. They are expecting the worst, they are prepared for the worst.

It would be a great injustice if I failed to congratulate the Jamaican sportsmen and women for taking part at these games and doing their country proud. To the administrative team that was here, headed of course by Chef de Mission Major Desmon Brown. Also to the respective team sports managers and coaches, particularly athletics coaches Maurice Wilson, Michael Clarke and Maurice Westney in particular. To the absolutely wonderful set of volunteers and officials, it was a job well done.

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